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I too wish to thank you...

Mr. Bily,

I too wish to thank you so very much. Carmela was a student at your camp last week and she came out everyday talking about all she learned and how exciting everything was. Carmela normally goes to space camp every summer in Florida, however this year we were staying home. A teacher from her school knew how much she likes science so she gave us your information. Thank you for running this camp as it has opened up a whole new area of science for Carmela. Your staff, instructors, and yourself have made such a big impact on her. I hope you all enjoy the rest of your summer. Thank you for putting this camp together and the giving of you time. You all have opened a new area for this young girl.

Thank you,
Lorene Lilly

2025 Forensic Science Summer Camp

Both camps are currently FULL. Join the waitlist Here.

Courses Offered